
Monday, June 30, 2003

Results for 'creating an llc'

Legal Zoom - For Corporation, Divorce, Wills, Trademark and living Will Assistance

Creating an LLC Operating Agreement - Nolo

Creating an LLC Operating Agreement

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Thoughts about language acquisition: No, I don't think that I've discovered anything anyone else has ever published before. But, I am realizing that perhaps the brain has a "symbol table", a concept familiar to us computer programming types. In order to become "fluent" in a language, we need to bypass the first path that is created for any given word, which goes from the foreign word, to our native word, to an image of what the thing really is, and instead create a pathway from the foreign word directly to the image of the "thing". I.E. creating new symbol table entries for the foreign words, as opposed to creating an intermediate table whose entries point to the native language table, which is what most of us do at least in the beginning.

So, perhaps one key to aiding the aquirement (is that a word? ;-) of language is to repeat the word in your mind, and visualizing the image of the word, so as to facilitate creating that pathway, minus the intermediate step of "translation". I notice in my attempts to learn spanish, that some words I hear I immediately understand, and others I have to go through the translation process, which of course causes me to miss alot of what the speaker is saying. Can I facilitate this path to direct recognition in some way? Can I create a learning tool, methodology, etc, that would facilitate this?

Ok, aquisition is the word I wanted ;-)

Welcome to my initial post! Here I am planning to record the journey and gems of my seemingly endless search for information on how to live my dreams and open my first biz... Follow along!

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